Still Not Into Ethereum? Wake Up and Smell the Blockchain Still Not Into Ethereum? Wake Up and Smell the Blockchain

Still Not Into Ethereum? Wake Up and Smell the Blockchain

You’re reading this, which means you haven’t completely abandoned hope on the internet, so you must know about Ethereum. But if you haven’t fully hopped on the Ethereum train yet, you’re missing out on the chance to be a part of something revolutionary, like the early adopters of the internet or the first people to buy Bitcoin back when it was literally worth nothing. Okay, maybe not that revolutionary, but still, it’s a big deal!

What Is Ethereum?

In a nutshell, Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that lets developers build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

Think of it like this: the internet allows us to share information, and Ethereum allows us to share value.

Think you’ve heard this before? Yeah, Bitcoin already does that, right? But Ethereum goes a step further. While Bitcoin is like a digital currency, Ethereum is like a platform where you can build things on top of it, like apps or cryptocurrency exchanges, all built with smart contracts.

But Why Should I Care?

Because Ethereum is changing the game for many things, like:


Forget traditional banks. Ethereum enables decentralized finance (DeFi), giving you control over your money without having to rely on banks. Think of it like your own bank in your pocket. Imagine all the cool things you could do with that.


Game developers can leverage the Ethereum blockchain for more engaging gameplay. They can create in-game economies and assets that can be owned, traded, and even monetized by players. So, imagine all the cool in-game stuff you could earn.

Supply Chains:

Companies can use Ethereum to create supply chain transparency and manage assets. Trace the journey of your favourite shoes, check where that fancy handbag was made, and see how a company tracks products with secure, transparent data.


NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have taken the art world by storm, thanks to Ethereum. Ethereum is making it possible for artists to sell their works directly to buyers without going through intermediaries, enabling them to connect directly with their fans and earn a good cut. Imagine getting your art seen by people all over the world!

Many Other Awesome Applications:

Beyond all of that, Ethereum allows us to think about applications that haven’t even been dreamt of yet! It is an open source, programmable platform, allowing anyone to build on it. Think about all the game-changing possibilities in store!

What is this Smart Contracts Hype?

Let’s be honest, most people think that smart contracts sounds way too technical.

In simple terms, smart contracts are like self-executing programs that run on the Ethereum blockchain, which means they’re automatic, transparent, and tamper-proof. They’re like legal contracts except without all the lawyers, the time it takes, and the annoying legal jargon.

Want to get loans on the Ethereum blockchain without relying on banks? Easy, it’s all done automatically with a smart contract.

Need a contract to pay rent digitally? Bam, you have it in a smart contract.

Need decentralized and trustless voting systems for your project or organization? No problem, smart contracts will sort it out!

Alright, I’m Sold. How do I Even Get Started with Ethereum?

Ready to finally dive into Ethereum? Here’s what you need to know to get started:

Getting your hands on some ETH

The first thing you’ll need is to buy some ETH (Ethereum‘s native currency). Just like any cryptocurrency transaction, you can buy ETH from a cryptocurrency exchange. There are several reputable platforms like Coinbase, Kraken, or Binance.

Once you have ETH in your wallet, you can start exploring the world of dApps and Ethereum.

Choosing a Wallet

Don’t confuse this with the wallet in your pants. A cryptocurrency wallet is essentially like a digital safe, where you store your crypto assets securely. Think of it as your digital home for all your ETH.

Metamask is a popular wallet extension for your web browser, while Ledger Nano S and *Trezor are some widely used hardware wallets (think of them as physical security devices for your cryptocurrency).

Key Takeaways:

  1. Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency. It is a powerful blockchain platform that lets anyone build dApps and other blockchain applications.
  2. Ethereum is shaping up to become a global, decentralized network for all sorts of industries, including finance, gaming, supply chains, art, and much more.
  3. Smart Contracts are an exciting feature of the Ethereum platform that allows us to automate and trustlessly execute agreements across different networks.

Final Thoughts:

Ready to dive into the exciting world of Ethereum? Take the plunge and be a part of this revolutionary movement. The possibilities are endless! But just be aware, it is a volatile and risky market, always conduct your research before making any investment decisions, and be prepared to learn, explore, and maybe even experiment with Ethereum and all its possibilities. And hey, who knows, maybe you’ll even become the next big name in decentralized finance. Just don’t blame me if your “next big thing” doesn’t exactly take off like Bitcoin did.

But seriously, do your own research! You know how the internet can be these days. 😉